Leanovations, LLC Certified Lean Service Provider for Northeast Utilities Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P)
PLAINVILLE, CT – Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P), a division of Northeast Utilities, announced the selection of Leanovations, LLC as a certified Lean Consulting Organization to conduct “Lean Manufacturing Events” for CL&P manufacturing customers. CL&P has established a funding program called PRIME, to assist Connecticut manufacturing businesses with an introduction to the benefits of adopting Lean, through “3 ½ Day” Lean Manufacturing Event. If a company qualifies, CL&P will Pays 100% for first two Lean Events, Pays 75% for events three and four, and Pays 50% for fifth and sixth Lean Events. The goal of the program is to produce measurable and sustainable process improvement results.
Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.
“We are honored that CL&P accepted our proposal to provide Lean Consulting Services to their customers and we look forward to assist Connecticut manufacturing companies with their lean projects and transformation,” stated Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations. “We will tailor our approach to meet each client’s specific needs while we coach them in lean operational excellence.”
If any manufacturing company is interested in having Leanovations review their potential for Lean funding through the CL&P PRIME Program, please contact Leanovations at (860) 479-0293, or e-mail at info@leanovations.com. To learn more about the Northeast Utilities CL&P PRIME Program or other Load Management opportunities contact Richard W. Asselin, Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities Conservation and Load Management Tel: 860-665-3292, or visit the website at www.cl-p.com/clmbus/target/prime.asp.
Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.
PLAINVILLE, CT – Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P), a division of Northeast Utilities, announced the selection of Leanovations, LLC as a certified Lean Consulting Organization to conduct “Lean Manufacturing Events” for CL&P manufacturing customers. CL&P has established a funding program called PRIME, to assist Connecticut manufacturing businesses with an introduction to the benefits of adopting Lean, through “3 ½ Day” Lean Manufacturing Event. If a company qualifies, CL&P will Pays 100% for first two Lean Events, Pays 75% for events three and four, and Pays 50% for fifth and sixth Lean Events. The goal of the program is to produce measurable and sustainable process improvement results.
Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.
“We are honored that CL&P accepted our proposal to provide Lean Consulting Services to their customers and we look forward to assist Connecticut manufacturing companies with their lean projects and transformation,” stated Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations. “We will tailor our approach to meet each client’s specific needs while we coach them in lean operational excellence.”
If any manufacturing company is interested in having Leanovations review their potential for Lean funding through the CL&P PRIME Program, please contact Leanovations at (860) 479-0293, or e-mail at info@leanovations.com. To learn more about the Northeast Utilities CL&P PRIME Program or other Load Management opportunities contact Richard W. Asselin, Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities Conservation and Load Management Tel: 860-665-3292, or visit the website at www.cl-p.com/clmbus/target/prime.asp.
Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.