Friday, March 9, 2007

Fred Shamburg President of Leanovations, LLC to Present “Why Lean Is Not Enough”

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience is the guest speaker for Hartford’s APICS Professional Development Meeting (PDM) on March 13th, 2007 at the Cromwell Marriott at 5PM, to educate Connecticut companies on “Why Lean Is Not Enough”. Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean manufacturing approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assists companies in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth.

Fred Shamburg will present how “Conquering Complexity” is critical for a Successful Lean Transformation. Companies have a strong incentive to develop new products and introduce distinctive offerings to gain market share or repel a rival’s attack. For most companies this problem is not unusual. It is natural for businesses to add products to keep customers happy. But as more products are added, the costs of the resulting complexity begin to outweigh the revenues, and profits start falling. What makes this problem particularly damaging is that it tends to be invisible to management.

The way most companies attack complexity is by launching a “cutting-edge” lean manufacturing program, which all companies need to do, but often the results falls short of the profitable goals. Such lean efforts will streamline the production processes, establish world class productivity rates, and routinely attain quality targets. But profitability will usually stagnate, the inventory turns get stuck and at the same time overall costs to manage the complexity increases. Because companies miss their goals, they continue to treat the problem in production with lean and not attacking the real source of managing product complexity and proliferation.

This APICS Professional Development Dinner will provide an overview of Complexity in Business and discuss the strategic thinking required to conquer complexity in your business. The participants will be able to return to their companies with an understanding how to identify their product offering and process complexity and develop a strategy to decide which complexity to keep and exploit, and which ones should be eliminated.

If any individual is interested in attending the APICS PDM on March 13th, 2007 or want to learn more about complexity please refer to the Leanovations website at or APICS website at

Leanovations Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

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