Monday, September 3, 2007

Leanovations, LLC Invited to Become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner by CONNSTEP

PLAINVILLE, CT – CONNSTEP, Connecticut’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), designed to help Connecticut manufacturers become more competitive in the global marketplace through advanced manufacturing and management techniques, invited Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, to become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner, beginning with the 2008 application process. CONNSTEP administers the Connecticut Shingo Prize, Connecticut’s premiere manufacturing award program for attaining business excellence. The Shingo Prize model and criteria provides companies with an assessment tool to aid in benchmarking “world-class” operational excellence.

“ We are excited to have Fred become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner, with his professional experience working with many Connecticut companies and his extensive international experience teaching and coaching Lean, he is perfect for the job” Stated Rebecca Kane Dow, Director, The Connecticut Shingo Prize.

Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

Fred will attend a Shingo Prize training September 27 and 28, on how to use the Shingo Prize Model as an assessment tool to improve a company’s core business processes and how to prepare and challenge for the Connecticut Shingo Prize. “I value my relationship with CONNSTEP and honored to become a Connecticut State Shingo Prize Examiner.” States Fred Shamburg, President, Leanovations. “I plan on applying to become a National Shingo Prize Examiner after conducting the required state site visits and reporting.”

If anyone is interested in learning more about Connecticut Shingo Prize training, or about the assessment tool and how to prepare for the Shingo Prize please visit the CONNSTEP website at:, or contact Rebbeca Kane Dow, Director, The Connecticut Shingo Prize at (860) 513-3217.

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis. To learn more about Leanovations visit

Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, LLC to Present at 2007 Manufacturers’ Advantage Conference

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, will present “Why Lean Is Not Enough” at CONNSTEP’s 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference. CONNSTEP, Connecticut’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, two-day event, October 24 & 25 in Hartford is Connecticut’s only conference geared toward small to mid size manufacturers, focusing on continuous improvement technologies necessary to transform their business into world-class organizations. The 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference theme is “TRANSFORM(ATION)”.

Fred will present “Why Lean is Not Enough”, and how complexity rationalization is a key for a total lean transformation. “While Lean techniques can be very effective, they could be greatly enhanced by addressing a common root cause of inefficiencies such as excessive product complexity.” States Fred Shamburg, President, Leanovations. “Complexity in a business is like cholesterol, where there is good and bad cholesterol, the same can be said for complexity.” Those who attend this two-hour mini course on October 25, will leave with take-a-ways they can implement right away in their business to identify and reduce the bad complexity in their enterprise.

Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

“Having Fred present at our Manufacturers Advantage Conference is a perfect fit, as our theme is about transformation, and what Leanovations teaches and coaches to businesses is how to successfully transform through continuous improvement technologies.” States Rebecca Kane Dow, Manager, Marketing and Communications for CONNSTEP, “Fred’s extensive international experience brings a wealth of knowledge for Connecticut companies to understand what it will take to compete worldwide.”

If anyone is interested in learning more about CONNSTEP Manufacturers Advantage Conference on October 24 & 25, 2007 at the Connecticut Convention Center please visit the CONNSTEP website at, or contact Rebbeca Kane Dow, CONNSTEP Manager, Marketing and Communications at (860) 513-3217 or

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis. To learn more about Leanovations visit