Thursday, December 27, 2007

Leanovations Sponsors CT’s SBIR Topic Discussion Workshop

Leanovations Sponsors CT’s SBIR Topic Discussion Workshop
“Defense Logistic Agency Challenge for High Tech Companies and Manufacturers”

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC, announces they are a proud sponsor of the Connecticut Small Business Innovation Research (CT SBIR) first ever SBIR “Topic Discussion Workshop Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Challenge”. The DLA is looking for innovative, revolutionary solutions for discrete-parts manufacturing. During this workshop, a DLA representative will present this topic with small high tech companies and manufacturers that believe they can solve the agency’s problems. This workshop is for Connecticut companies by invitation and limited to only 50 participants.

The Defense Logistic Agency (DLA) continually seeks advanced concepts for the manufacture of weapon systems developed in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Replacement parts are often required at unpredictable times and in small quantities. Leanovations LLC teaches and coaches new technology and business related approaches such as Lean manufacturing, and leadership Innovations in processing methods to assist manufacturers in creating highly adaptable, efficient operations that can support DLA needs, the largest combat support agency in the Department of Defense (DOD).

Leanovations, a Lean consulting group, with extensive international experience, is a Connecticut Aerospace & Defense Initiative (ADI) Registered Lean Service Provider to help improve competitiveness of Connecticut's aerospace and defense manufacturers through the introduction or continuation of Lean manufacturing techniques within their organizations. Companies can receive 50% reimbursement of the cost per lean project conducted by Leanovations through ADI funding. Leanovations coaches and teach companies to compete worldwide by adopting lean manufacturing techniques, and to enjoy profitable growth through innovations.

“Leanovations is proud to be a sponsor for this SBIR Workshop especially with the theme being, The DLA Challenge looking for innovative, revolutionary solutions for discrete-parts manufacturing, as Leanovations is a consulting company who specializes in assisting our clients in Lean and Innovations excellence to create profitable growth”, states Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations. “We enjoy our relationship with SBIR and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) and look forward to assisting the participants in the DLA challenge wherever we can”.

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence eliminating waste, and to re-invent themselves through innovations. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, a “National Shingo Prize Examiner”

National Shingo Board of Governors Selects Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, as a “Shingo Prize Examiner”

PLAINVILLE, CT – The National Shingo Prize Board of Governors recently announced the selection of Fred Shamburg, Founder and President of Leanovations, LLC an International Lean Enterprise Consulting Group as a “Shingo Prize Examiner”. The Shingo Prize is the premier manufacturing award recognition program for North America that highlights the value of using lean/world-class manufacturing practices to attain outstanding status. Leanovations LLC, is a Connecticut based Lean and Innovations Consulting Company.

The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence, named for Japanese Industrial Engineer Shigeo Shingo who distinguished himself as the world’s leading expert in improving manufacturing processes. The Shingo Prize established in 1988 to promote awareness of Lean manufacturing concepts and to recognize companies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico that achieve first-class manufacturing status. The philosophy of the Shingo Prize is that outstanding business performances is achieved through focused improvements in core manufacturing and business processes.

Fred has a long history with lean gaining first hand experience when he was an Industrial Engineering Manager at Pratt and Whitney over 20 years ago, working with an ex-Toyota executive from their Lean Promotion Office, one of the originators of the Toyota Production System. Fred has over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, holding many Leadership and Executive level positions with well-known Fortune 500 companies, holds a M.S. in Operations Management, a B.S. in Industrial Technology and an A.S. in Resource Management. Fred has traveled worldwide teaching, coaching and implementing Lean for the total business enterprise, including extensive international experience in Europe, Asia, and Mexico, along with covering all regions of the U.S.

As a recognized leader in Lean, Fred has been a guest speaker on many occasions for conferences and professional society meetings. He recently was a guest speaker at the 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference, held in Hartford CT, addressing “Why Lean Is Not Enough”.

For more information about Fred Shamburg and Leanovations, or if your interested in learning more about the Shingo Prize please visit the Leanovations website at