Thursday, December 27, 2007

Leanovations Sponsors CT’s SBIR Topic Discussion Workshop

Leanovations Sponsors CT’s SBIR Topic Discussion Workshop
“Defense Logistic Agency Challenge for High Tech Companies and Manufacturers”

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC, announces they are a proud sponsor of the Connecticut Small Business Innovation Research (CT SBIR) first ever SBIR “Topic Discussion Workshop Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Challenge”. The DLA is looking for innovative, revolutionary solutions for discrete-parts manufacturing. During this workshop, a DLA representative will present this topic with small high tech companies and manufacturers that believe they can solve the agency’s problems. This workshop is for Connecticut companies by invitation and limited to only 50 participants.

The Defense Logistic Agency (DLA) continually seeks advanced concepts for the manufacture of weapon systems developed in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Replacement parts are often required at unpredictable times and in small quantities. Leanovations LLC teaches and coaches new technology and business related approaches such as Lean manufacturing, and leadership Innovations in processing methods to assist manufacturers in creating highly adaptable, efficient operations that can support DLA needs, the largest combat support agency in the Department of Defense (DOD).

Leanovations, a Lean consulting group, with extensive international experience, is a Connecticut Aerospace & Defense Initiative (ADI) Registered Lean Service Provider to help improve competitiveness of Connecticut's aerospace and defense manufacturers through the introduction or continuation of Lean manufacturing techniques within their organizations. Companies can receive 50% reimbursement of the cost per lean project conducted by Leanovations through ADI funding. Leanovations coaches and teach companies to compete worldwide by adopting lean manufacturing techniques, and to enjoy profitable growth through innovations.

“Leanovations is proud to be a sponsor for this SBIR Workshop especially with the theme being, The DLA Challenge looking for innovative, revolutionary solutions for discrete-parts manufacturing, as Leanovations is a consulting company who specializes in assisting our clients in Lean and Innovations excellence to create profitable growth”, states Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations. “We enjoy our relationship with SBIR and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT) and look forward to assisting the participants in the DLA challenge wherever we can”.

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence eliminating waste, and to re-invent themselves through innovations. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, a “National Shingo Prize Examiner”

National Shingo Board of Governors Selects Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, as a “Shingo Prize Examiner”

PLAINVILLE, CT – The National Shingo Prize Board of Governors recently announced the selection of Fred Shamburg, Founder and President of Leanovations, LLC an International Lean Enterprise Consulting Group as a “Shingo Prize Examiner”. The Shingo Prize is the premier manufacturing award recognition program for North America that highlights the value of using lean/world-class manufacturing practices to attain outstanding status. Leanovations LLC, is a Connecticut based Lean and Innovations Consulting Company.

The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence, named for Japanese Industrial Engineer Shigeo Shingo who distinguished himself as the world’s leading expert in improving manufacturing processes. The Shingo Prize established in 1988 to promote awareness of Lean manufacturing concepts and to recognize companies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico that achieve first-class manufacturing status. The philosophy of the Shingo Prize is that outstanding business performances is achieved through focused improvements in core manufacturing and business processes.

Fred has a long history with lean gaining first hand experience when he was an Industrial Engineering Manager at Pratt and Whitney over 20 years ago, working with an ex-Toyota executive from their Lean Promotion Office, one of the originators of the Toyota Production System. Fred has over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, holding many Leadership and Executive level positions with well-known Fortune 500 companies, holds a M.S. in Operations Management, a B.S. in Industrial Technology and an A.S. in Resource Management. Fred has traveled worldwide teaching, coaching and implementing Lean for the total business enterprise, including extensive international experience in Europe, Asia, and Mexico, along with covering all regions of the U.S.

As a recognized leader in Lean, Fred has been a guest speaker on many occasions for conferences and professional society meetings. He recently was a guest speaker at the 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference, held in Hartford CT, addressing “Why Lean Is Not Enough”.

For more information about Fred Shamburg and Leanovations, or if your interested in learning more about the Shingo Prize please visit the Leanovations website at

Monday, September 3, 2007

Leanovations, LLC Invited to Become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner by CONNSTEP

PLAINVILLE, CT – CONNSTEP, Connecticut’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), designed to help Connecticut manufacturers become more competitive in the global marketplace through advanced manufacturing and management techniques, invited Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, to become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner, beginning with the 2008 application process. CONNSTEP administers the Connecticut Shingo Prize, Connecticut’s premiere manufacturing award program for attaining business excellence. The Shingo Prize model and criteria provides companies with an assessment tool to aid in benchmarking “world-class” operational excellence.

“ We are excited to have Fred become a Connecticut Shingo Prize Examiner, with his professional experience working with many Connecticut companies and his extensive international experience teaching and coaching Lean, he is perfect for the job” Stated Rebecca Kane Dow, Director, The Connecticut Shingo Prize.

Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

Fred will attend a Shingo Prize training September 27 and 28, on how to use the Shingo Prize Model as an assessment tool to improve a company’s core business processes and how to prepare and challenge for the Connecticut Shingo Prize. “I value my relationship with CONNSTEP and honored to become a Connecticut State Shingo Prize Examiner.” States Fred Shamburg, President, Leanovations. “I plan on applying to become a National Shingo Prize Examiner after conducting the required state site visits and reporting.”

If anyone is interested in learning more about Connecticut Shingo Prize training, or about the assessment tool and how to prepare for the Shingo Prize please visit the CONNSTEP website at:, or contact Rebbeca Kane Dow, Director, The Connecticut Shingo Prize at (860) 513-3217.

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis. To learn more about Leanovations visit

Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, LLC to Present at 2007 Manufacturers’ Advantage Conference

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, will present “Why Lean Is Not Enough” at CONNSTEP’s 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference. CONNSTEP, Connecticut’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership, two-day event, October 24 & 25 in Hartford is Connecticut’s only conference geared toward small to mid size manufacturers, focusing on continuous improvement technologies necessary to transform their business into world-class organizations. The 2007 Manufacturers Advantage Conference theme is “TRANSFORM(ATION)”.

Fred will present “Why Lean is Not Enough”, and how complexity rationalization is a key for a total lean transformation. “While Lean techniques can be very effective, they could be greatly enhanced by addressing a common root cause of inefficiencies such as excessive product complexity.” States Fred Shamburg, President, Leanovations. “Complexity in a business is like cholesterol, where there is good and bad cholesterol, the same can be said for complexity.” Those who attend this two-hour mini course on October 25, will leave with take-a-ways they can implement right away in their business to identify and reduce the bad complexity in their enterprise.

Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

“Having Fred present at our Manufacturers Advantage Conference is a perfect fit, as our theme is about transformation, and what Leanovations teaches and coaches to businesses is how to successfully transform through continuous improvement technologies.” States Rebecca Kane Dow, Manager, Marketing and Communications for CONNSTEP, “Fred’s extensive international experience brings a wealth of knowledge for Connecticut companies to understand what it will take to compete worldwide.”

If anyone is interested in learning more about CONNSTEP Manufacturers Advantage Conference on October 24 & 25, 2007 at the Connecticut Convention Center please visit the CONNSTEP website at, or contact Rebbeca Kane Dow, CONNSTEP Manager, Marketing and Communications at (860) 513-3217 or

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis. To learn more about Leanovations visit

Friday, June 15, 2007

Leanovations Certified Lean Provider for Northeast Utilities Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P)

Leanovations, LLC Certified Lean Service Provider for Northeast Utilities Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P)

PLAINVILLE, CT – Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P), a division of Northeast Utilities, announced the selection of Leanovations, LLC as a certified Lean Consulting Organization to conduct “Lean Manufacturing Events” for CL&P manufacturing customers. CL&P has established a funding program called PRIME, to assist Connecticut manufacturing businesses with an introduction to the benefits of adopting Lean, through “3 ½ Day” Lean Manufacturing Event. If a company qualifies, CL&P will Pays 100% for first two Lean Events, Pays 75% for events three and four, and Pays 50% for fifth and sixth Lean Events. The goal of the program is to produce measurable and sustainable process improvement results.

Leanovations, a Connecticut based Lean Consulting Company with extensive international experience, emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

“We are honored that CL&P accepted our proposal to provide Lean Consulting Services to their customers and we look forward to assist Connecticut manufacturing companies with their lean projects and transformation,” stated Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations. “We will tailor our approach to meet each client’s specific needs while we coach them in lean operational excellence.”

If any manufacturing company is interested in having Leanovations review their potential for Lean funding through the CL&P PRIME Program, please contact Leanovations at (860) 479-0293, or e-mail at To learn more about the Northeast Utilities CL&P PRIME Program or other Load Management opportunities contact Richard W. Asselin, Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities Conservation and Load Management Tel: 860-665-3292, or visit the website at

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Leanovations Presents One-Day “Lean Enterprise Overview Workshop” at Central Connecticut State University

Leanovations Presents One-Day “Lean Enterprise Overview Workshop” at Central Connecticut State University’s ITBD Conference Center

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience teaching lean operational excellence will present a one-day “Lean Enterprise Overview Workshop” at Central Connecticut State University - Institute of Technology and Business Development (CCSU-ITBD) Conference Center, New Britain, CT.

This workshop will help educate Connecticut companies on the importance of Lean Manufacturing and applying advanced lean manufacturing tools through a classroom “factory simulation”. “Lean” is a process improvement methodology based on the Toyota Production System. The one-day workshop will take place on Wednesday, May 30h, 2007 from 8 AM – 4 PM.

Fred introduction to lean was by one of the originators of the “Toyota Production System”, and very quickly developed a passion for teaching and applying lean principles to the total business enterprise. Fred’s background and experience includes; Over 20 years experience in lean and operational excellence with extensive international experience in Europe, Asia, Mexico and including all regions of the USA. Fred has held senior level positions in manufacturing, operations, and engineering. Prior to starting Leanovations, LLC, Fred was a lean executive with a large international corporation where his responsibilities included managing and leading the lean transformation of a group with 37 facilities worldwide generating over $1 billion in sales.

Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assists companies in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth, establishing a process that focuses on companies to re-invent themselves through innovations along with implementing lean manufacturing to eliminate wastes.

If any individual is interested in attending the “Lean Enterprise Overview Workshop” by Leanovations at CCSU-ITBD, please inquire at or call 860) 479-0293.

Leanovations Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Press Release - Leanovations, LLC Sponsors the SBIR Conference “The Future of Manufacturing is Innovation-2”

PRESS RELEASE - March 14, 2007
PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC, announces they are a proud sponsor of the Connecticut Small Business Innovation Research (CT SBIR) Regional Conference, “The Future of Manufacturing is INNOVATION – 2” on June 19-21, 2007. The conference is all about innovation. If American manufacturing is going to survive, it must innovate. This conference offers manufacturers and innovators unique networking opportunities to find ways of working together.

Attendees will be able to schedule one-on-one meetings with large corporations and SBIR agencies to talk to them about their technologies and manufacturing capabilities. At last year's conference, many innovators and manufacturers met with large corporations and now have success stories to tell.
Several large corporations will participate such as, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, GE Aviation, GE Edgelab, General Dynamics Electric Boat and Tyco Healthcare. They will present success stories and speak one-on-one with attendees regarding procurement and SBIR collaboration opportunities. Last year’s conference sold out with more than 300 attendees from 19 states. This year, with more agencies and more companies participating, CT SBIR is expecting 500 people. Online registration is now open. For more information go to the Web Site The conference is at Pratt & Whitney Air Museum, East Hartford, Connecticut.

“Leanovations is proud to be a sponsor for this SBIR Conference especially with the theme being “The Future of Manufacturing is Innovation” as Leanovations is a consulting company who specializes in assisting our clients in Lean and Innovations excellence to create profitable growth”. States, Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations.

Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assists businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, through lean operational excellence eliminating waste, and to re-invent themselves through innovations.

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Fred Shamburg President of Leanovations, LLC to Present “Why Lean Is Not Enough”

PLAINVILLE, CT – Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience is the guest speaker for Hartford’s APICS Professional Development Meeting (PDM) on March 13th, 2007 at the Cromwell Marriott at 5PM, to educate Connecticut companies on “Why Lean Is Not Enough”. Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean manufacturing approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assists companies in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth.

Fred Shamburg will present how “Conquering Complexity” is critical for a Successful Lean Transformation. Companies have a strong incentive to develop new products and introduce distinctive offerings to gain market share or repel a rival’s attack. For most companies this problem is not unusual. It is natural for businesses to add products to keep customers happy. But as more products are added, the costs of the resulting complexity begin to outweigh the revenues, and profits start falling. What makes this problem particularly damaging is that it tends to be invisible to management.

The way most companies attack complexity is by launching a “cutting-edge” lean manufacturing program, which all companies need to do, but often the results falls short of the profitable goals. Such lean efforts will streamline the production processes, establish world class productivity rates, and routinely attain quality targets. But profitability will usually stagnate, the inventory turns get stuck and at the same time overall costs to manage the complexity increases. Because companies miss their goals, they continue to treat the problem in production with lean and not attacking the real source of managing product complexity and proliferation.

This APICS Professional Development Dinner will provide an overview of Complexity in Business and discuss the strategic thinking required to conquer complexity in your business. The participants will be able to return to their companies with an understanding how to identify their product offering and process complexity and develop a strategy to decide which complexity to keep and exploit, and which ones should be eliminated.

If any individual is interested in attending the APICS PDM on March 13th, 2007 or want to learn more about complexity please refer to the Leanovations website at or APICS website at

Leanovations Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

February 5th, 2007 Leanovations Press Release "Advanced Lean Tools Workshop"

Leanovations Collaborates with GumshoeKI to Present “Advanced Lean Tools Workshop” at Central Connecticut State University’s ITBD

PLAINVILLE, CT – Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience is collaborating with GumshoeKI a Visual Communications Company headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, to present an “Advanced Lean Tools Workshop” at Central Connecticut State University - Institute of Technology and Business Development (CCSU-ITBD) to educate Connecticut companies on the importance of applying advanced lean manufacturing tools. The one day workshop will take place on Thursday, March 29th, 2007 from 8 AM – 4 PM.

“Lean” is a process improvement methodology based on the Toyota Production System. When implementing Lean, process diagrams called Value Stream Maps, are essential tools that are used for visualization, planning and communication throughout the transformation. Value Stream Maps are traditionally hand-drawn and have an established iconic language. In recent years, several tools have emerged to allow electronic capture of the hand-drawn maps, primarily for ease of communication, modification and analysis of the maps. This workshop will provide a demonstration of eVSM, one of the leading VSM software tools being used in industry, and use a manufacturing case study to illustrate its use for visualizing, analyzing and managing a Lean deployment. The underlying methodology is widely applicable across the manufacturing, services, and healthcare sectors. A sample Value Stream Map from each of these sectors will also be discussed.

Dilesh Patel is a co-founder and President of the Visual Communications Company, GumshoeKI. Over his 25-year career, Mr. Patel has held senior positions in consulting services, product development, marketing, and sales. His work with global companies like Nokia, Procter & Gamble, Nissan and Siemens has taught him the power of simple visual alphabets in developing world class processes. He is passionate about the application of visual communications in the workplace and has spoken at numerous venues on this topic. The eVSM software is developed by GumshoeKI. Dilesh is a graduate of the University of Southampton in England and holds an MS in Engineering from M.I.T.

Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean manufacturing approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assists companies in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth.

Fred Shamburg, the founder and President of Leanovations was introduced to lean by one of the originators of the “Toyota Production System”, and very quickly developed a passion for teaching and applying lean principles to the total business enterprise. Fred’s background and experience includes; over 20 years experience in lean and operational excellence with extensive international experience in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and including all regions of the USA. Fred has held senior level positions in manufacturing, operations, and engineering. Prior to starting Leanovations, LLC, Fred was a lean executive with a large international corporation where his responsibilities included managing and leading the lean transformation of a group with 37 facilities worldwide generating over $1 billion in sales.

Fred Shamburg President of Leanovations, LLC established a process that focuses on teaching companies to re-invent themselves through innovations along with coaching lean manufacturing to eliminate wastes. “I believe bringing Dilesh Patel to teach the dynamics of eVSM to Connecticut companies is very timely - many companies have begun their lean transformation but are struggling because they have not found an easy way to communicate and analyze their Value Streams effectively. The eVSM software will bring an innovative approach to their process”, states Fred Shamburg. “We have worked before with Fred and know his dedication to helping companies compete worldwide, and we are looking forward to presenting with Leanovations at this workshop”, states Dilesh Patel.

“Leanovations and GumshoeKI are proud to host this workshop at the CCSU-ITBD Conference Center in New Britain, as they have been a leader in providing services to Connecticut in the important lean process” states Fred Shamburg.

If any individual is interested in attending the “Advanced Lean Tools Workshop” by Leanovations and GumshoeKI at CCSU-ITBD, please inquire at or call 860) 479-0293.

Leanovations Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Press Release January 22nd, 2007

Leanovations, LLC Becomes a Registered Lean Service Provider for Connecticut’s Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI)

PLAINVILLE, CT – Connecticut Center for Manufacturing Supply Chain Integration (CMSCI) and for Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI) has accepted the registration of Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience, as a Lean Service Provider for Connecticut companies in the aerospace and defense industry.

Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean operational approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other lean consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training assist businesses in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth. Leanovations focuses on teaching businesses to create growth, and through lean operational excellence to eliminate waste and to have the ability to re-invent themselves through innovations.

“We are honored that CMSCI accepted our registration as a Lean Service Provider for the Aerospace and Defense Initiative and look forward to assist companies with their lean projects and transformation” stated Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations. “We tailor our approach to meet each client’s specific needs while we coach them in lean operational excellence, but we will also teach them how to target smart growth with new products and services while controlling the business complexity”.

In keeping with the State of Connecticut’s Next Generation Competitiveness Strategy to help Connecticut suppliers achieve world-class productivity, the Connecticut Aerospace and Defense Initiative was created.

The State of Connecticut, through the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), made available $2,000,000 to assist companies in the introduction or continuation of Lean manufacturing techniques within their organizations. Companies can receive up to 50% reimbursement for the costs for Lean training and services supplied by a Registered Service Provider of their choosing.

Since the state launched the ADI, 38 Connecticut aerospace and defense companies are spending more than $1.6M on 52 process improvement (lean/six sigma) projects. The ADI has reduced the burden of paying for these projects by reimbursing 50% of the cost for a total of $800K.

If any company is interested in knowing more about Connecticut Center for Manufacturing Supply Chain Integration (CMSCI) or the Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI) please refer to the their website at or .

Leanovations LLC, Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Recent Press Releases by Leanovations, LLC

Jan. 8th, 2007
“Leanovations, LLC Collaborates with Central Connecticut State University’s ITBD to Help Companies Compete Globally”

PLAINVILLE, CT – Leanovations, LLC a consultant company with extensive international experience is collaborating with Central Connecticut State University to educate Connecticut companies on the importance of Lean Manufacturing. Leanovations emerged as a new innovative consultant company that goes beyond the traditional lean manufacturing approach. Focusing on lean and innovations at the same time differentiates Leanovations from other consultant groups. Leanovations proven approach of teaching and coaching using interactive training, assists companies in developing innovative solutions to create profitable growth.

Fred Shamburg the founder and President of Leanovations, LLC established a process that focuses on teaching companies to re-invent themselves through innovations along with coaching lean manufacturing to eliminate wastes. “Many companies that have been recognized for their lean excellence are struggling because they have not been able to re-invent themselves, or bring new innovations to their products or services they provide, such as Delphi Automotive” states Fred Shamburg, President Leanovations. “We tailor our approach to meet each client’s specific needs while we coach them in lean operational excellence, but we will also teach them how to recognize customer valued innovations and target smart growth with new products and services while controlling the business complexity”.

Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations was hired by Central Connecticut State University Institute of Technology and Business Development (CCSU-ITBD) to conduct a four day “Lean Tools Certification” course which starts on February 27th. “Leanovations is proud to work with CCSU-ITBD in this important certification program” states Fred Shamburg “and better yet the Connecticut Department of Labor has agreed to partially fund this outstanding certification program”.

If any company or individual is interested in attending the CCSU-ITBD 4 – day Lean Tools Certification training which starts on February 27th with Fred Shamburg from Leanovations, or wants information about other certification training at CCSU-ITBD, please contact Tom Lorenzetti, CCSU-ITBD Business Development Manager, at or call him at (860) 827-7875. “Our instructors are top shelf and very experienced” states Tom Lorenzetti “I am pleased to have Leanovations join us and teach this Lean Tool Certification program”.

Leanovations Consultant Company strives to meet our client’s needs in lean, innovations and managing business complexity to enjoy profitable growth. Leanovations is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which helps manufacturing companies compete on a worldwide basis.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fred Shamburg’s Bio

In 1991, I was an Industrial Engineering Manager at Pratt and Whitney, United Technologies Corporation, when introduced to lean by one of the originators of the Toyota Production System. This ex-Toyota executive was brought into UTC to be a teacher, Sensei in Japan, to demonstrate the positive impact of establishing a new culture of thinking through lean, a Japanese system for continuous improvement. I was selected to be a team leader for the first P&W lean event, and quickly developed a passion for teaching and applying lean

I introduced myself to this Sensei assuring him if he was willing to teach me, I would be his best student in applying lean principles to the total business enterprise. A handshake was our contract, and the student-teacher relationship quickly grew into a personal friendship for the last 15 years. Through the years this Sensei has motivated me, taught me, challenged me, and most importantly; he became a role model. I am indebted to him because he inspired me to start Leanovations, LLC.

With a M.S. in Operations Management, a B.S. in Industrial Technology and over 20 years experience with large international companies as a Lean Executive, Director of Manufacturing, Operations Manager, Industrial Engineering Manager and a part-time University Instructor. I have experience working with companies in diverse industries that include: aerospace, automotive, medical, refrigeration, paper, electromechanical, metal cutting industries and the military.

My work in lean includes extensive international experience in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and the U.S.A. I have traveled worldwide teaching, coaching and implementing lean for the total business enterprise. I have established international alliances and partners for Leanovations to ensure the proper resources can be applied to benefit our global customers.

Prior to starting Leanovations LLC, I was a lean executive with a large international corporation, where my responsibilities included managing and leading the lean transformation of a group with 8 divisions and 37 facilities worldwide with over $1 billion in sales. Four of these facilities received the prestigious CEO Lean Award to include factories in Mexico, Switzerland, Wisconsin, and Maine.

I have been fortunate to be recognized for my leadership over the years. At a fortune 200 company, where I was an Operations Manager, my factory was awarded the Top Corporate Lean Award (1 of 8 selected out of 272), we also received APICS “Top Manufacturing Award”. At a different international company, where I was Director of Manufacturing, we were recognized by Industry Week as one of “America’s Top 25 Most Successful Small Companies”, and also received the “Connecticut’s Awards for Excellence in Manufacturing”.

I have been a guest speaker on many occasions for conferences and professional society meetings. I consider myself lucky that my career has allowed me to do something I truly have a passion for and to be surrounded by enthusiastic individuals embracing what I teach. It all begins with creating a true learning environment where individuals and teams are respected, challenged and empowered to make a difference.

If you are interested in a consultation, please contact me at:

Leanovations, LLC
Office: (860) 479-0293